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Page History: “.NET failed to install, T4 was unsuccessful in loading”

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Page Revision: 2017/01/13 08:41

It is not common for .Net to fail on installation. This piece of the install is all Microsoft. Our frontend checks to see if Framework is installed. If it isn't it prompts the user to install it. We have seen broken workstation builds in the past that were confused as to whether or not Framework was actually installed.

Here’s a list of troubleshooting steps:

  1. Apply all pending Microsoft Updates.
    • Open Internet Explorer.
    • Go to Tools=>Windows Update
    • Follow the instructions.
  2. Click here to try to install .net manually . It is recommended that you run all your windows updates before trying this.
  3. Reinstall our frontend (try it first without the reinstall).
  4. If all the above fails, try another workstation (later versions of XP include Framework 1.1). In cases where we have gotten this far the workstation had serious OS issues.
  5. Be sure there is sufficient disk space. You would have to read on Microsoft for the specific requirements. It would be hundreds of Mb though.
  6. Be sure antivirus is disabled.
  7. Be sure the user is logged in as an administrator.
  8. User can try uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling .net framework, and running Windows updates
  9. In a last ditch effort the user can try roll their machine back to a previous restore point. We have seen this work.
  10. In general when something this fundamental has issues then it typically indicates a deeper issue and we would recommend a full OS rebuild. If it is a brand new machine then we would hold off and troubleshoot a bit.

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T4.Support@plus500.com (312) 939 0164

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